The 5k Method
Creating an Online Business That Actually Works Doesn't Have To Be A Pain. Let Me Make It As Easy As "Do This, Then This, Then This" For You
That Won't Leave You Swimming In Debt
I was fed up of receiving peanuts for all the effort I put in to my affiliate campaigns, so decided to start over.
Last month just one payment from one company covered all my household expenses for the month.. can you imagine how good that feels?
Below rather than try and sell you the 5K Method I want to focus on showing you results of implementing the 5K method, you can then decide if it's for you or not.
Spreading your campaigns between products that pay recurring commissions and one time commissions helps you maintaing a steady income without the "Famine or Feast" many Affiliate Marketers experience
The 5K Method allows you to increase conversions significantly.
Once again this shows the power of using both recurring and one time offers.
Once that first product is rocking then it's time to scale by adding other products into the mix
Here is what to expect when you Invest in The 5k Method
Most courses only ever show you the model and expect you to implement everything with no help or support.
Not us!
We are there to guide you every step of the way.
Once completed you will be able to maintain your site and grow your income in a few minutes a day.
Carry on reading to see what's involved
Finding The Right Offer
Originally the 5K Method just helped affiliates generate Affiliate Commissions.
While this is the still focus for the first part of the training . - "The Model" - everything we teach can be used to generate business for Consultants, Agencies and Course Creators.
Simply send the traffic to your own offers rather than those of others.
Let's Build a Site From Scratch
As part of the 5K method you'll see me build a site from scratch, you simply need to follow along.
At the end of step 2 you'll have a site ready to generate a regular income for you.
We are going to automate as much as possible.
We'll do this by using a simple email autoresponder sequence. In this stage you'll learn how to create automations, write emails that convert and ensure that you have a strategy for generating subscribers
Generate An Income
We'll start to use both paid and free traffic.
No need to fear paid traffic we will start using our $1 a day strategy and aim to generate income from day one.
Project 212
We are going to tweak, scale and adjust our campaigns until we are generating $212 a day (We explain the reason for this strange figure in Part 3 which we call Project 212.)
Just follow along with each step.
If it works for me and it works for others will work for you
“I've had the pleasure of going through the free version of Mark's 5K Affiliate Marketing Course.
Coming from Mark, I knew it would be good. My primary concern was about ME, as in "Can I make this work for me?".
Here's what I found: I definitely can. The way Mark has laid it out, the course is both easy and fun to do.
If I am to pick a favourite feature, it will be the method for finding and selecting products to promote. It's very logical and ethical.
The format is a hybrid, with both written content and videos. Again, it's something I really like and I think it gives you a higher learning effect than a single format throughout. In other words, you get a better return on your time investment.
What about promoting your website and offers?
The course covers some incredibly simple ways of getting traffic and building a list, both (inexpensive) paid and non-paid. It's some of the most doable, easy-to-grasp advice I've ever seen, even in paid products.
The 5K Affiliate Marketing Course is indeed complete. Simply follow the steps and you'll be building a business.
The premium version goes deeper into all of this. I can't wait to see it. More fun!”
“In my experience as a freelance business architect/analyst, the best solutions are normally elegantly simple, with very few moving parts to go wrong.
Mark's 5K Affiliate Marketing System definitely falls into this category. It is explained in an equally simple and concise manner that just about anyone (even an absolute beginner) will be able to follow - and more importantly, implement and refine.”
“In a world of bloated products and claims, Mark Thompson’s Affiliate Course is the lean mean money machine. Fat-free and highly nutritious. There’s not a single ounce of crud in this baby.
What I most loved is how Mark eliminated all the decision-making points that usually will keep beginners (and even advanced marketers) stuck. Want an example? Beginners often have a lot of trouble choosing which products to promote. Mark shows you how to make that decision in less than 10 seconds with a single, laser-focused criterion.
All of this bathed in an a fun, guru-free atmosphere.
I’ve made more money online since starting to follow Mark. If you’re thinking about it, jump in!”
“I was fortunate enough to qualify for a launch deal on 5K Affiliate Marketing.
I've bought a good number of Affiliate Marketing courses, over the years, which are all gathering dust on the shelf. Mainly due to unnecessary complication in some areas and the lack of depth in other areas.
The beauty of 5K Affiliate Marketing is the simplicity of the model it's based on.
The course, which comes close to a blueprint, is the best laid out and structured that I have come across.
Through clever use of a combination of text, graphics and over-the-shoulder video, the course covers every aspect of Affiliate Marketing in great detail.
If this one ends up on the shelf, I will only have myself to blame!”
“Mark has the amazing ability to cut to the heart of marketing matters. His deep experience over many years provides a unique and uncommon perspective that is valuable in separating the wheat from the marketing chaff. This translates into effectiveness and efficiency in so many ways.
The is very much the case in his affiliate marketing course, Step by step instruction is provided that covers all the bases needed to produce the desired result of affiliate sales and commissions.
Well done, as usual, Mark”
Who wants 1 guarantee when you can have 3?
If you don't think that The 5K Method is for you or that it's not a game changer then simply ask for your money back within 30 days and we'll refund you immediately.
There is nothing worse than watching training videos and not being able to implement because something wasn't clear enough.
If you ever have any questions you can jump into our membership community, log a call or even jump on a live call with me and I'll explain everything or help you to fix any problems you have
Regular Updates
The 5K Method is regularly updated to reflect the ever-changing marketing landscape.
In addition, the course content regularly reviewed and if anything needs to be updated it is done there and then.
You are guaranteed to always have access to the most recent version.
Kevin Applied what we teach In The 5K Method
What Is The 5K Method
Mission Control
Hosting, Themes & Plugins
Tracking & Conversions
Why Choose Affiliate Marketing?
What To Promote
Internet Marketing vs Non Internet Marketing Products
Where To Find Products To Promote
Basics of SEO
Social Media Traffic
Creating Images
Facebook Ads System
Google Ads
Paid Traffic
Why Email Marketing
How To get Subscribers
The Trifecta - Onboarding , Sequences and Broadcasts
How To Construct an Email
5 Types Of Email
What To Write About
Part 1 Completion Survey
Day 1 Planning
Day 2 - Setting up your Domain
Day 3 - Themes & Plugins
Day 3 - Ordering Content
Day 4 - Content Upgrades
Day 5 - Creating a List and optin Forms
Day 6 - Putting it All Together
Day 7 - The Fun Begins
Access the Private Members Group
Funnel mapping - Task
Workshop 1 - Replay
Workshop 2 - Replay
Workshop 3 Replay
Site Analysis -
Upcoming promotion - My Thoughts