Want to Effortlessly Create Hyper Profitable Email Lists and Campaigns?

Want Campaigns that Convert at 20%?

Not very long ago people considered a 1% or 2% conversion rate to be a good conversion rate.

5% and most marketers would be jumping for joy like an overexcited puppy.

So imagine for a moment what a 20% conversion rate would mean to your business, your lifestyle and your family.

If you know your conversion rate do a bit of math and work out how much extra you'd earn if you hit 20%

No conversions yet or don't know your figures?

Think what would happen if 1 out of every 5 subscribers bought from you.

Of course, you may still be inclined to believe the people who tell you 2% is good.

But here's the thing, I lied to you about 20% conversions, Sorry!

It can be more like 40% and 50% but no one would believe a headline like that.

It Started In a Most Peculiar Way

It all started at my daughter's wedding. To be more precise the day after.

I was laid on the beach in Mexico thinking about my online business and how far it had come in 13 years.

I started in this crazy business so that I could spend time with my family and see my daughter grow up.

Mission Accomplished!

In 13 years I'd gone from "How can I make money online" (Yes, I did type that into Google) to having a business that consistently created an excellent income each month.

But I was still tied to a desk and often worked a full 9-5.

Totally not what I expected or wanted to be doing as an Online Marketer!

I wanted a new challenge, I wanted a system that gave me flexibility.

That day the journey started.

Highly Profitable Email Campaigns That Convert Like Hotcakes

Email Marketing has always been a powerful platform on which you can build your online business.

12 years ago, after wasting time by not immediatly building a list I focused all my efforts on learning email marketing from the best.

An investment that paid off thousands of times over

I attended several events and was incredibly lucky that one of my regular golf partners and drinking buddy was the great Andre Chaperon.

Our idea of a fun Friday afternoon was to sit with a burger and beer and plan funnels and autoresponder sequences and generally talk about marketing. (shhhhh don't tell our wives they probably thought we were chatting up the waitresses)

Those Friday afternoon conversations had a deep impact on how I still approach marketing to this day.

Live Life Like An Instagram Ad!*

*Or preferably the Lifestyle YOU want

That's not a stock photo!

Laid on that beach (Yes, it had 3MB WiFi) I analysed all the stats for my campaigns.

Which ones worked well and which ones flopped.

I started to think about everything I'd learned since I sent my first email.

It became obvious that one thing I was doing occasionally was working really well.

There on the beach with a cocktail and a laptop like a truly awful Facebook ad I started to create a new type of campaign.

It took under two hours to set up.

No sales page, no landing page, no membership site just an email and a cart link.

I sent out the email and closed my laptop for 24 hours.

The Result Of That Campaign...

42% Conversion Rate - $9366 Revenue

I freely admit I didn't expect the campaign to perform so well.

Even the refund is only because someone bought twice.

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together

That worked well

I followed up with another campaign that converted at an even higher rate. The results proved I was onto something.

Start To Use These Simple Strategies" Today and See Immediate Results

Here's The Secret!

Segment, Segment, Segment

Segmentation was the secret.

I had identified 84 subscribers who had opened particular emails and who had previously bought a product.

Then I created a relevant offer just for them.

I was really excited about the potential of these types of campaigns.

As soon as I returned home I set about creating some training for my existing customers and made it available to them.

At the same time, I created a "pilot" group coaching program for anyone who wanted to take it further and help me test some other ideas I had.

By talking to the members I confirmed that this would work for everyone and was easy to implement.

It was time to analyse how and why this worked so well and test some new ideas to improve results.

You Can Turn Small Lists Into a Full Time Income.

Does this work with small lists?... Hell yes!

We decided to see how far we could take this simple concept.

Most marketers don't have a large list, in fact, research showed that most people didn't have a list at all yet.

So it was important that this worked for small and medium-sized lists.

We decided that it would be useful if you could start with just a few subscribers a day and build a business from scratch.

We wanted to create something that would allow people like you to quickly see results and scale or build your online business.

We succeeded.

Start to Create Hyper Profitable Email Lists Today

These Strategies Are The Key to Unlocking Profitable Lists

We already know that segmentation works, in fact, it's been shown to increase conversions by up to 760% over non segmented lists.

By segmenting new subscribers you will immediately increase your conversion rates because you can talk to them about their problems and needs in a more accurate way.

What about existing lists?

It's never too late to segment a list, By using our strategy of "post segmentation" you can get the same or better results as you can with new subscribers

Want to Increase Your Conversions Even More?

To help you to increase conversions even more we came up with several new strategies that haven't been seen before. Uoi get access to these including the templates that can be directly imported to ActiveCampaign.

If you use a different ESP just copy the steps

Unleash the Power of Simple Strategies

Use powerful automations to market on autopilot

Automation Looping

This has to be seen to be believed! Imagine taking 5 simple automations and having them control your entire marketing campaign.

By connecting these together with a series of "If/ Then" conditions you can ensure that your customers get sent the most appropriate email.

Has John only read a couple of engagement emails?

Then send John to a differnt engagement sequence.

Wow! Mary has read 5 engagement emails and visited a couple of articles you recommended.

It's time to send her a 3 email sales sequence.

Then if she buys on email 1 Stop the sequence

Forget Old Style Email Sequences - Take Your Customer On A Buyers Journey

Progressive Sequencing

The journey from prospect to buyer has several distinct steps, known as the buyer's journey.

So, instead of sending out a sequence of emails like everyone else does, set a series of goals for your subscribers.

When these goals are achieved move them to the next stage of the journey.

The result is highly motivated buyers and a list that hasn't been "burnt" by making offers they weren't ready for.

Unlock Your Subscribers Minds Like Sherlock Holmes Unlocks A Mystery

Interest Based Targeting

Here is a riddle for you.

Who is most likely to buy your course on building a BBQ?

Someone who has read 4 of your "Building a BBQ" articles or someone who read 1 article on why Vegans are Aliens?

All subscribers aren't equal so use their behavior as a guide to what they really want.

Let your subscribers show you when they are interested in a topic, then send them the right offer based on that interest.

Automate Every Aspect of Your Sales Process For More Conversions

Event-Based Retargeting

Visitors to your websites, sales pages or landing pages are either subscribers or not subscribers.

So why treat them both the same?

It doesn't make sense, and it's costing you you sales.

Engaged subscribers are far more likely to buy than casual drive-by traffic.

Set up event retargeting automations to ensure the right message goes to your visitors based on your specified events.

Make Your Next Sale On Autopilot!

Sidenote: Our event based retargeting campaigns are some of the easiest to implement and constantly provide the best return.

They are by far my favorite type of campaign and If i could only 1 one campaign it would be this. Set up one of these campaigns correctly and you can recover the cost of this course in days

Hooking The Fish Campaigns

Have you looked at your visitor stats recently?

If you dug down you would find the same visitors have visited your "money pages" several times.

If they haven't bought, those are lost sales. Hooking The Fish campaigns will turn those visitors into buyers.

You Are Now Locked and Loaded...Ready To Double Your Income Next Month?

By using just a few of these methods you can say goodbye to low converting email campaigns.

Say hello to doubling, trebling or even quadrupling your conversion rates and income.

Say goodbye to low open rates,

Hello 30% 40% or 50% open rates.

Say goodbye to pathetic engagement rates

Hello epic engagement rates.

Say goodbye to "Old School" email marketing techniques.

Hello to Next Generation Email Marketing

These Strategies Get Results

The image shows the open rate and click rate on one of our autopilot campaigns.

Those click convert into sales.

Customer Reviews

5 star rating

Mark Thompson's Expert Course on Making Money with Email is Awesome!

Barton Murray

I've followed the advice for Mark Thompson for years. Although I focus mostly on local SEO as an agency, his advice and tactics for running successful follow up campaigns or tips on sequence automations to develop a strong relationship with your p...

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I've followed the advice for Mark Thompson for years. Although I focus mostly on local SEO as an agency, his advice and tactics for running successful follow up campaigns or tips on sequence automations to develop a strong relationship with your potential buyers on your list is 2nd to none. Don't let a small list stop you from earning your maximum dollars from it; Mark will show you how its done in this course!

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Listen To What Alex Had To Say...

What Would Multiple Daily Sales on Autopilot Mean To You?

How would it change your life to be able to generate sales like these day in day out?

There was no paid traffic involved in those sales just a few properly set up automations that work 24/7 without taking a break so that you can.

These are the exact systems you get with Big Income Small Lists

Who Is This For

Is BISL Right For You?

There are several types of people who will find this Big Income Small Lists Invaluable.

- Email Marketers tired of outdated strategies and Low returns

- Coaches

- Course Creators

- Agency owners who want new services to offer thier clients

-Affiliate Marketers who want to presell -E-commerce Store Owners

- Anyone Building a List who wants to create a full time income

Not One But Three Guarantees

Who wants 1 guarantee when you can have 3?

#1 Money Back Guarantee

If you don't think that Big Income Small Lists is for you or that it's not a game changer then simply ask for your money back within 30 days and we'll refund you immediately.

#2 Above & Beyond Support Guarantee

There is nothing worse than watching training videos and not being able to implement because something wasn't clear enough.

If you ever have any questions you can jump into our membership community, log a call or even jump on a live call with me and I'll explain everything or help you to fix any problems you have

#3 Fresh As The Morning Dew Guarantee

3 Versions In 5 Months

Big Income Small Lists is regularly updated to reflect the ever-changing marketing landscape.

In addition, the course content regularly reviewed and if anything needs to be updated it is done there and then.

You are guaranteed to always have access to the most recent version.

Get Big Income Small Lists Now

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“Wow, am I impressed!

Just when I thought I had my email formula as effective as it could be, that BLOODY Mark Thompson comes drops me a ‘see this’ link. It leads me too powerful new email material that I instinctively know will take everything to the next level. As Mark might share with you, I generate an exceptional income mainly from email, and it’s very rare that I read something that is so good I drop what I’m doing to go through it 3 times in a row. Neither do I give face compliments or dude recommendations. So, I have to say if you don’t grab a copy of Marks new Big Income Small Lists you'll be missing out big time.”

Kevin Nairn

Serious About Creating A Life Changing Online Income?

If you are serious about building an Online Income and using Email Marketing as a core component then why not join Big Income Small Lists today?

Want to build the lifestyle you want?

This screenshot is the result of a single email sent to a small segment.

One SINGLE Email!

Would 1 of those a week make life easier?

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • First Principles - IMPORTANT Watch This

    • Segmentation

    • Triggers

    • Lists Vs Tags

    • Your Offer

    • Finding Your Audience

    • Simple Paid Traffic ($1 a day ads)

  • 2

    Techniques and Automations

    • The Laser Guided Missile I- ESP Tracking

    • The Laser Guided Missile II- (Testing ESP Tracking)

    • The Laser Guided Missile III - ESP Tracking Automation

    • Do Not Disturb

    • Personalised Messaging

    • The Old One Two

    • The Old One Two - SUPERCHARGED

    • Technique - Make Everyday Black Friday

    • Example - Segmenting With An Email

    • Housekeeping

    • Advanced - Progressive Sequencing

    • Retargeting With Email

    • Advanced - Hooking The Fish

    • Reengagement

    • The 9 Word Email

    • Closing Survey

Kevin Left Us A Testimonial

Here is What Happened Afterwards

A Month ago Kevin left us a testimonial I recently followed up with him to see how things were going... this is his story:

A well-deserved follow up to my original testimonial.

When Mark asked me to give some specific examples of the impact of his Big Income Small Lists Course I knew it would be difficult!

Frankly, I didn’t have a clue where to start simply because there are so many.

So what follows are just some of my MAIN successes and improvements which I 100% attributed to the training inside Big Income Small Lists

In all I have 16 different email lists on varied and profitable topics, and so far, I have managed to upgrade JUST ONE of them and have now started on the second, so it looks as though it will be a busy and interesting winter. What follows are some interesting statistics:

Most of Your List Consists of Dead Wood!

Every list contains tyre kickers, but I didn’t have a CLUE how many I had! This was a very profitable list consisting of 3,427 subscribers which for more than two years has generated a very healthy full-time income each and every month.

However, stupidly, I didn’t know how many of them were engaged and still opening my email, or who they were.

So, over a six-week period, and under Marks guidance, I tracked, tagged and segmented the existing list and I was amazed to discover that only 704 of them were actually opening my emails!

This was a big kick in the khoonkies, only 1 in 5 of my readers, 20.5% were still interested.

Mark was right, small is beautiful.

So, I quickly eliminated them from the list.

However, it was a huge relief on the wallet as, just by removing the remainder I immediately started saving myself $60+ a month with my ESP! This is likely to deliver an even bigger saving with all of my lists.

Not only that but my email open rate is now around 60% - 80%! NICE…

Competing with, and surpassing MOST of the BIG boys with those numbers.

Filter Out the Time Wasters!

Be a specialist, not a generalist.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of using incentives to build your list, I know I did.

The fact is, most of them immediately unsubscribe, or become costly LIST DEADWOOD, so what Mark promotes, which is pre-segmentation is a total game changer.

Encouraged by marked examples I filtered and segmented my readers first once, and then a second time as they joined my list, and the results were predictable.

First, I maintained really high email opens, secondly and more importantly, my purchases went up by AT LEAST 140%, but that’s not actually accurate, it was higher. You see the volume of opt-ins to generate that income went down quite dramatically.

Pre-segmentation had filtered out the costly freebie seekers. So, I would estimate that just using this technique alone has increased my purchase rate by 400%+ percent!

What do They WANT to Buy Next?

If we only knew that?

But guess what?

Now I do!

Or, I have a BLOODY good idea!

I rewrote my complete email sequence and to accommodate this thinking and now track EVERYTHING!

As a result, I now have a VERY GOOD idea what my prospects want to buy next, in fact more specifically, some of my prospects have highlighted themselves as red-hot purchase ready customers just waiting for the purchase link to other products.

Even better:

Pre-segmentation has allowed me to deliver SPECIFICALLY what my prospects are most interested in.

Remember, the money is in the relationship you develop with your prospect, and doing it this way is HUGE!

Best of All, This is FUN, FUN, and More Fun!

The teacher that keeps on giving!

No one could ever say the Mark less that generous with his help and advice! In fact, he goes completely over the top! When he contacted me a few months ago and started to tell me about BISL he delivered approximately five times more value than I was expecting.


Now he was done it again! I was exposed to his new v2 membership, but now it already outdated as he’s listened, learned, adapting and innovating and now has an even better v3 system. It just keeps on getting better.

The bottom line!

The size of my lists are shrinking by the day, although my email profits continue to DRAMATICALLY increase.

Smaller is better!

If you’re seriously interested in developing a responsive email list, whatever your subject or market, you need this knowledge. It’s going to leave your competitors reeling in your wake and eating your dust.

Join Big Income Small Lists Now and Change Your Marketing Forever

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